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Peter Austin
I was busted for growing dope and raided. These are still superstealth. I now know why West Mercia never catch the crooks.
The other week i was so sick and ill I had to get myself arrested to get to the hospital. I was too sick to get rid of the plants I was growing (should have been harvested a week ago, but not up to it), and so had to accept the cultivation charges and sacrifice the ganja in order to obtain antibiotics that would ensure I didn’t die. CID were really nice, gave me two matresses, some cereal bars (frosties) and some tea. Unfortunately, I was 0.1 off all the medical stuff in either way to go to hospital immediately, but I appreciated the fact there’s a loo right next to the bed, because I can’t really walk and that night I was suffering from a dodgy chinese takeout on top of the chronic infection – the old bill saved my life, I’m really grateful – but i would have preferred an ambulance… As of now the ganja that I was using to get off dihydrocodeine and pregabalin (I couldn’t even get off pregab. in hospital, they just gave me a higher dose instead) is not available to me and because of the arrest, I don’t have my phones, money, computers, etc… that I need to do stuff like – buy food / ganja. So I’m really hungry and not stoned. It’s not ideal because now I’m back on 200mg pregablin every morning. Proper wasted but at least I can shuffle around the house.
Lost my job over all this – but: CID dropped me at the hospital about 10 hours after picking me up, and the guy said to me (in fact, 4/5 coppers said to me as well), that he thinks it shouldn’t be a crime for me to grow dope to use instead of being prescribed controlled drugs that have been evidenced to be “bad” for me, whereas ganja is apparently “good” for me.
I explained this as being something like Popeye, except where he gets stronger with spinach, I am able to tolerate the life I am leading with weed – a psychic, slightly more discombobulated popeye with an IQ between 134-168 and who comes up with plans as this to highlight why medical cannabis is required in the UK, as it doesn’t send me doolalley like pregabalin withdrawal does. If I had had a spliff the other day, when the power went out, I wouldn’t have needed to threaten octopus energy in order for them to reply to over 2 months of emails.
I learned that the best way to speak with customer services at nearly anywhere is to leave them a 1 star trustpilot review telling them they are criminals and that I’d rather be doing business with the Sicilian Mafia that EON Next.
On the subject of reviews:
What I wanted to review was the pollinate vapes tho – the police took some of the grow gear, left enough for me to get going again, the seeds and some trim and my grinder and the gummies they didn’t take either – but they didn’t take the vapes and they even picked them up to look at them…
The reason being, I think is becuase the one that was left out was Gorilla Glue .
Lucky for me – it was sitting right next to a pack of REAL Gorilla glue gel and superglue.
Since my local bobbies are country bumpkins I believe they didn’t realise all the vapes were THC and highly illegal and this is why CID asked me if I sniff glue 😛
Either way, it’s almost run out now as I’ve been a week without being able to buy food, be online, phone 999 or anything like that. My ex came round tho cos ppl thought I had been arrested for cyberterrorism, as microsoft was online (they think I’m a hacker for some reason, but I just spend a lot of time online since I am usually stuck in bed or can’t walk far), so I’m good now – I’ll give her some cash and she can do the stuff for me – I’m not going to buy dope of the lads round here cos they just spend it all on cocaine. It’s also not the type of smoke I need – I don’t want stardog ffs or pukey “moonrocks” that are actually lumps of mouldy weed.
There needs to be 2 things for cannabis:
Standards and regulation of sale for tax purposes.
I’m not paying tax on my purchases of illegal drugs – it really annoys me, as it brings HMRC into the mix. I had 8 plants, right – old bill value a plant by avg. yield of around £800/4-6oz. My plants were high cbd so the buds were like fluff – I got 3/4 dry off the first one and left it there to show them the yield despite the size. They actually left one of the plants behind but I’d said in interview there were 8 – I had to carry it through town (smoking the spliff they left for me, thanks) to the cop shop and no-one said a thing. I’m not a fast walker either – can’t make a liar out of me – even the feds call me honest pete and think I’m a liability but I never spill the tea over anyone but myself.
What I do need from Strainstarz (please fellas) is to get all the reviews I have been careful to leave here, as if I go to court (*if* – didn’t last time NFA), which is what I want as I want to build a case against the energy companies (who apologised to me after I threatened them, not called the police, but I’m being done for that – not guilty 100%, but 100% guilty of dope to use as medicine – but that shouldn’t be a crime, say 4/5 cops).
All these reviews over the past… 2 years? have been always about medical use huh.
It also will highlight how much money I am saving the taxpayer by growing dope, as that costs 20p a day (£1.40 a week) for me to grow 365 days year for constant supply, vs … how much I spend here? sometimes £200 a week.
It’s why I’m a favourite customer, eh, @Strainstarz 😛
Not so much lately, as I’ve been really very sick, but it looks like at least until the next crop is ready – i’ll be stocking up on POLLINATE vapes (lol fucking pacman smoking weed with all the stuff on it – if they saw I had about £4000 worth of spent vapes in the box, I’d’ve been charged with a lot more and probably not had something to help me when I got home).
They left the window open, and loads of stuff is missing – no property sheet still so idk what they even took, but they took the SD card out the camera before taking that with the 3 batteries. If they turn on my devices they will just reset and I told them I would change the passwords and lock the devices after 1 week and it’s been 9 days, so I’m locking you all out and putting a note on the screen saying, “wussup copper? where’s my property sheet”. Tossers dragging their heels just because there’s riots.
I’m a non violent offender who’s very obviously in a bad way – it’s nice they left the stuff, but I have a feeling that if the vape they found wasn’t called “gorilla glue” and was next to some gorilla glue – they’d have not mentioned it and thought it was a regular vape like the others.
Cos it’s either they didn’t know the POLLINATE vapes were THC, unlike the fucking idiot USA “legal” pacman liveries that advertises that it’s not a regular vape… bad move – I will not be buying those vapes – they are for 12 year olds and I will resist any cannabis product that appears marketed to children.
These vapes have made it through airport security and even through Dubai.
They’ve made it through a cannabis bust (albeit, perhaps only because they were next to a real tube of gorilla glue – if it was called “purple haze” they might look twice.
It could be that they didn’t want to have to spend all the time and money on testing them to prove they were THC as they already had about 2-3 innocent powders (illegal if you intend to ingest them, not if you intend to use them as chemical agents of change in external biological systems of nonhuman origin) and 7-8 innocent ganja plants to test.
I saw one for £60 the other day, but they’re back up to £80.
Honestly, the smaller ones should all be £60 and the big ones £90, cos they are practically double, which is why I always try to get 2 of them.
I don’t care if you don’t get them – in fact – you should buy the dumbass pacman ones because I haven’t tried them and you can be first to review them, as I’ll never buy them. That way – we’re all happy. You’re probably here for cheap weed anyway and are scared of anything you don’t already know… maybe. You shouldn’t be, so it’s probably that you are scared of trying new things because of the prices.
I’m lucky in that I grow a lot of my own food (the police didn’t take all the kit, left me a 100w light and a small tent, and some seeds (and my grinder and the trim, with half a spliff in the ashtray, thanks West Merica!)… as I said, 4/5 officers I spoke with, even CID, said it shouldn’t be a crime for me to grow dope so I can get better and not be kept down on pregabalin and dihydrocodeine when all I need to get better and not need cannabis nor pharms is antibiotics.
I can’t even buy these right now..! I’m just looking at the site and smoking a butt-rollie like smelling someone else’s dinner while eating rice… I think I can taste hash, but I’m not sure. I’m mashed on 300mg pregabs so i’m flying high AF righ tnow omg i forgot how hard these hit its like being shot up with ketamine while ur on mushrooms and then doing a line of cocaine. It’s not wonder they are a controlled drug…. I used to be on 600mg a day of this shit.
Last Xmas I took 22 grams of the stuff and put on my VR. Woke up being taken to a mental hospital with a massive hole in my back – that’s where the infection is from. Though they were taking me to a proper hospital but instead they just left me with a fever in a room that wasn’t cleaned from the previous resident. Secure psychiatric ward – I had a raging fever that they said was because I was excited.
I was pouring sweat, delirious, in massive pain, not able to walk – the 2nd night, I woke up and there was one of the bank staff nurses giving me mouth-to-mouth, so I had stopped breathing in my sleep or something (same as in the police cell the other day, before they took me to hospital). They left like ninjas and looked relieved but still quite worried, and speaking in some kind of Yardie Patois that isn’t like in Elephant and Castle (I later learned the two lads were from Ghana, and very caring fellas they were too – they brought me a cup of tea when I hadn’t eaten or drank anything in over a week)..
Actually, I didn’t sleep the entire time I was there. 5 days… When you go in, they just give you drugs. There’s a long sheet with loads of drugs on it and they just give them to you without knowing anyhting or asking you.
They gave me Zopiclone, which is a z-drug hypnotic to which I have a paradoxical reaction similar to some benzos. I become a little manic and disassociated and find it hard to rest. People abuse this shit for fun – I hate it.
I had an experience in there similar to ayahuasca – an extended DMT trip that broke reality and placed me in the centre of my own universe – at least physically and spatially. I’ve been slipping in time ever since.
In the cell, I had a vision in my delirium of my room – the tents were there but the plants were not.
When I got home – I expected all the kit to be there and, well, the light faded to the point where it’s like a circus… or theatre – like the rides at Chessington or Disney, 4th Dimension or Small World.
I know it’s weird but it’s the same when the fish died – I knew that happened.
When my granddad died, I called at that exact moment – it’s that feeling.
Anyhow – I called 999 from the hospital ward, much to the amusement of all the patients… That solved me not getting painkillers. The day after that, the boss lady decided to give me the pregabalin I was prescribed. But the timing of the meeting meant I had to have a double dose for some reason. I didn’t want a double dose, so they brough the fellas over and – me being unable to walk or anything – and they were insistent (I’d seen them stick another patient who didn’t want his med, with a needle, so) I took it and thought, OK space here we come.
Remember I was under the influence of delirium and maybe another NDE (I have had 4 in the past 2 years), which really does feel like a massive dose of DMT when you wake up)… the pregabalin at 400mg was the most intense psychedelic experience I think I have ever had, other than accidentally smoking a lot of DMT (which you are kinda prepared for at the point you smoke it, anyway, else you wouldn’t be smoking it, trust me – try to not smoke it).
I ended up running that place for the time I was in there, in order to get 10 minutes of peace and silence – It’s like a game of mousetrap and you just need to adjust a few things in order for the game to play out in a good way instead of a chaotic mess that’s covered with human poop.
Oh yeah – I had to get them to bleach the entire building before I’d eat there, as it was covered in human poop. That guy , the dirty one – I ended up giving him music lessons which I think made me attractive to the female nurses. Idk why they have a female ward in these places but the staff there taught me how to spot a nonce:
If it’s a guy who likes boys – they go in the female wing. So if you see a guy in the female wing of a mental hospital – he’s a fucking nonce and deserves everything he gets. So long as you don’t get caught and he doesn’t die – it’s ok. I won’t stop you. Not unless it’s cruel. I mean stuff like spitting in their food, not talking to them, knocking over their coffee, never let htem have sugar, but use salt and salt their food so it is inedible, never give them any succour.
I’ve lost… 3 friends to suicide who were molested as kids. My brother is fucked up because of stuff like that. I feel really bad about that as I wasn’t there – I was out collecting money for smack and living in the dojo. I’m a terrible person and he will never forgive me for not protecting him – we don’t speak any more.
So yeah – you can use these vape pens to take out a nonce like a Jo Staff – best one is on the wrist bone, super-painful but rarely leaves a mark – also the philtrum, thumb on either side of the vape under the nose, use fingers to secure the head – push the vape steadily up above the teeth about 15 degrees hard – very painful, unlikely to bruise if you do it with control. If you remove the LED cover at the bottom, it is a sharp metal cylinder, so that’s also good for gouges if you are ever attacked and need to poke the other person off you. Ticklish spots are good for this – just drive it in and you’ll probably lose it if it slips between the ribs. I don’t think the throat is a good target for them, as it would likely be fatal, but rapping someone on the side of the head with it is quite effective – I had to do that once in Sicily with pen and it worked really well – hold it in ur hand like a grip-trainer and with the cap at the thumb end, drive that cap like an inward phoenix-fist (if ur into kung-fu) / hammerfist (for real martial artists) and knock it into the cheekbone – followed up with a right hook and a push and that’s that.
Really excellent vapes.
But back to the story.
So yeah I had to play draughts with a nonce and accept a stalemate – he then turned to the nurses and said he won, which is when they told me he was a nonce and that’s why he’s such a twat. Then they moved him when they realised I spend a lot of my time hunting nonces and nazis like Ricardo Baretzky of Cyberpol fakery (fake intelligence agency, he ran a scam a while back and then became the Ruskie’s EU plant, so he had to be shut down – was running an immigration pipeline in Bulgaria that was shuffling Russians into some kind of proto-militia with refugees from Syria or whever was on fire in the circle of hate down there…
I also took part in operation poweroff a few years back – flushed that guy out and made him shit himself lol was so much fun. I can talk about all this shit now. Most of it.
Triangle Rosmi is one that has escaped as a result of me being so unwell lately. I had him… Nazi doctor… he’s out exploiting refugees from Ukraine (I was the official artist of a Ukranian pop band until a few years ago) and their PTSD by testing psychedelic drugs on them, disguising it as underground ketamine therapy.
I made the mistake of tipping them off that I was investigating them by telling them I was investigating them… It usually works. By that point I’ve developed several personas over a course of time, so that I always have another point of contact with them, that is “me” and weave a narrative through taking up all their time online with the illusion I wish to present.
This guy is a member of an underground anarchist society which I failed to penetrate (application pending) that I remember seeing the name of before (it was italian..? something like but it’s not there) when Alex Elbakyan was going on about using brainwaves to log into computers, before she went off on one trying to get AI to draw pictures of god’s face (btw, the Yanks have actually made pictures of god’s face now – it was a real tech race:
Sort of thing you see on facebook, but people devote their lives to that kind of stuff.
I’ve devoted my life for … 14 years to queen, king and country and the other day I thought I was dying from this infection and then ate a Chinese from up the road and ended up throwing up and getting food poisoning which – well, I ended up threatening Octopus Energy because they hadn’t sent me a key for the meter for nearly 2 months, nor replied to me, and I had no power to run my TENS machine or keep the plants alive, so I said I’d blow up their offices.
They replied first thing, and apologised for the distress and inconvenience I had been caused by them (and EON, for years), and asked what they could do to help, then the boss lady wrote to ask if I wanted a different meter to avoid them not sending me a key and also to fix the unit rate as i’m being charged almost double. I ignored it as I was too sick and had gotten hold of a key and used a code to top it up – my mate from the local shop sorted it.
The next day they responded to a 1 star trust pilot review (the best way to contact people) and the next day they text me on my phone. Then at the end of the next day they decided to follow my instructions to them to call the police.
IDGAF – I was dying slowly and the GP said, call 999, and 111 and 999 said, it’s not urgent wait a few hours and see ur GP, so when the cops finally turned up at 0300 when I was laying on the bathroom floor, naked and covered in puke and poo – I was really happy when they showed up. I was too sick to move all the plants out the window before they came in – I half knew they were coming as I’d recevied a message from an old friend that suggested something was happening the evening before concerning my situation, but I was too sick to care, really. It was terrible, omg.
The coppers were nice – when they realised I was having a hard time standing up, they held me up and put my pants on and stuff before they realised they were standing in the middle of a cannabis grow. They left a lot of stuff, just in case I can’t get the referral to Cardiff Cannabis Clinic.
I’m telling you people – these vapes are better than what they give you for the pain of undergoing chemical therapies, for pain caused by disease, for facing terrible things – it’s helped me so much.
Cannabis helped me get control of my life back from addiction to prescription drugs that were given to me in place of more expensive curative therapies – there’s no profit in well people for medical, but there’s a lot of profit in managing symptoms.
Why cannabis is not used for this – and I am criminalised for wanting to get better – and instead opiates and chemicals who’s function we are not entirely certain of… this has to change.
I doubt that I will goto prison, exactly, but I kinda think that 3 meals a day, 45 mins. assoc., some occupation (in the classroom, please – I can show you a solution to the information paradox that no-one else has developed at this point, my friend Traian Surtea and I are working on it), and a comfy jail bed (the cell was very comfortable, but the food could be better), plus access to exercise stuff and medical treatment – that’s what I need to get better – and they have all of that in prison, my mates who have been inside tell me.
It’s not the dope I’m worried about – I couldn’t care less about that, and I’m unrepentant – Starmer needs to update the law, not make us criminals.
If we could pay tax on these transactions and do it by debit card without any hassle – we’d all be rich AF.
I’d be rich AF I know that, because I’m a black belt in bonsai and growing weed is a bit like that (speed bonsai – white widow is a very beautiful plant, but a bit strong for me – I like Dancehall 13 & 20 or Royal Highness). I did date a Spanish girl from Tinder a few times, she owned a B&B out there with a square km of land so I was prepared to accept a relationship if it meant I could grow fields of dope for a Spanish tourist cooperative at the B&B, but… she was too mental. Like, big time… you have to wonder why people are single at my age… mine’s cos I am an internation man of mystery, but hers was because she just gets stoned on shitty birmingham stardawg and goes schizo and works on her computer when she’s not trying to get laid or suffering a mental breakdown.
You can’t persuade me to put up with that no matter how good the sex is or how many fields of ganja you might own. There’s always another woman, you know what I mean. And if you run out of them, there’s a lot of guys who will be women for you if you ask, probably. Guys like my old mate Christian who would say, “well a bj’s a bj” when returning from the gas-station bathroom in Las Cruces… He killed himself as well, actually. I was quite upset about that.
That was really bad actually, I was quite angry but I understand why he did it. Could’ve waited a few months tho and I think I could’ve helped him – if I could’ve walked back then and been able to get over to his place (he moved to an even more remote community than here), he wouldn’t have done it…
I just want to get better and I can’t.
A week after even being arrested to get medical attention, I have run out of antibiotics, have had no dope for a week, back on 200mg pregabalin when I was almost off it on 25mg, no phone, no way to do banking, not eaten more than 2 meals in 2 weeks, and ilegally using a wifi that’s not mine that I stole the password for (I have all my local wifi passwords now, which is good becuase they cut off my internet as I can’t pay for it).
It sucks, but – the thing is – these vapes survived all of that intact and without notice.
When I get access to my banking, I will be purchasing some THC vapes and some LPC and FECO gummies, because with these I can walk and get up the shops for food. The pregabalin just makes me talk shit and feel weird – I mean… wtf is this review?
All i wanted to say was, the vapes are really good – G offered me a free tangie when they came in back then and I never took it – was gonna ask for some credit but lol I think it’s a bit cheeky and there’s no way to get on telegram to confirm the order anyhow…
But – if I could (the reviews are handled by a 3rd party and posted to the site if the email you entered is on the system as an email that ordered from Strainstarzofficial, it’ll post it, so perhaps I’ll need to buy one of these first before being able to post this…
Probably for the best as it’s a load of twatter that I should’ve run through ChatGPT to sort out before posting…
eh… next time.
I asked my semi-ex if she would take the cash and pay through her bank, but she doesn’t want to as anything to do with drugs and it’ll look bad to social services, so I’ll ask my mum and see if she’ll do it – I think so… but then – there’s no way for me to say, hey please don’t disregard that order as I’m gonna pay for it… hm.
So I need to get a phone, get on telegram, get access to a bank account and transfer money… Can I just send cash thru the post?
I’m not buying dope off the local lads – they just spend the money on cocaine and alcohol. Fuck that, I’m not supporting that type of behaviour – plus their weed isn’t that great – it’s just buzzy on the outside cos of the scuff and then nothing inside as the THC has all migrated to the outside and they left the bud too big so 80% dreg.
Plus there’s one kid who sells “moonrocks” that are actually nugs that have gone mouldy and been harvested, wiped and then sold as “special” because they stink 10x as bad and are a funny brown colour – he’s not doing that any more because I told him I’d shop him if he keeps selling dank weed that can give people COPD or something. Tosser.
But for sure – compared to the new ones that are like childrens happy meals – these ones should reflect the stealth-value, professionalism and reserve of the user towards which they are marketed (semi-naked chicks if the advert is anything to go by :P) and design foibles (clogs) with which we must contend.
I’m happy to pay £80 and £90 for the big ones (if I can get it – I did order but idk how to pay), but if they can go for £60 when they need shifting, perhaps £60 for small and £100 for big is more fair?
Idk why I am still writing. It’s the pregabalin. Feel like going for a run, really. Shame I can’t stand up – oh I can!!! good old pregabs. I’m going to try make a cup of tea. Not had one in donkeys.